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Friday, December 30, 2011

2011; Review

The kickoff for 2012 :D

What better way to start it than looking at the year behind :P

Thus underlying my primary instincts of being lazy, I mean this was something I oughta have done last year :P

But still here we go... rewind 2011...

Well the year was pretty awesome. One of my childhood dreams came true, even since I saw the guys talking about assassins creed and sims in gamer tv , I wanted to be a game designer game producer, and I kinda got the chance to be both, officially a game producer, but still has his hands in the designing part too, plus got the chance to produce one of the biggest iOS project around, also got good industry exposure, also NGDC, how can I forget the first conference.So career wise, I could say "a dream taking its shape".

Well that was pretty much my year, lol, it was work and work....
And yea Joined Amaara, now an active member and the editor of the same :P

Mm well that sums up the good parts :) yea along with the endless celeb and party list with friends...

Now the new year resolutions of last year, lol....

1) Shed weight - Disaster - Guess I have put weight on...
2) Clear the damn supplies - Nothing happening there either...
3) Learn Swimming - Yeehaa! One down :P
4) Get more organized - Blah blah! total disorder :)

And yes the resolution of trying to be a better human... mm not really sure how I can measure that, but I guess im doing pretty okay in there.

Mm so kinda good year for my work and nothing great about my resolutions, well same old same old..

Well guess that's 2011 for me....

2012 here I come...

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Half W(f)itted Beard :)

A proverb .. "Things half done.........blah blah blah. " lol, Im not sure if there is a proverb like this and if I guess I should coin one here...

This is the movie like comedy in life. And more than the comedy involved it said to me I should dream less while I am awake...

Woke up , just like everyday, and was in a rush as I had to take a presentation about mobile game art, lol, hilarious as it sounds, it was a team effort, and there required preparation from the team on the day before, but to no surprise, everyone in the team forgot about the whole thing. It was like always remembered in the last minute. And I thought I will gather everyone and start talking on the go making up stuff, lol, anyway that was the plan ,
So I walk into office and couple of guys was throwing faces at me, and then another laughed, and lol, then Varun asked me all of a sudden asked "Dude why is your beard like this" lol...

REWIND: Woke up! Went to played footy, thought about the presentation, and thought will clean the beard a bit and took the trimmer and started for a few minutes and CLEANED UP ONE SIDE OF THE FACE and realized charge was low, I thought "Okay, I still have lotsa time". PLUGGED THE TRIMMER FOR CHARGING and practiced "Counter Strike" for some time, (Office CS tourney comin soon) . So after that played one half of Fifa ( Utd vs City) , Ever since the 6-1 humliation, I do what I can, beat City in FIFA :D. So after that I realized I lost lot of time. I took a quick shower and went into office. So I walked into office like every other day and a couple of guy started throwing faces at me and Varun asked me " Dude, why is your beard like that?"

Haha.. the trimmer was still kept for charging and yes my beard was done only on one side of the face :P
The half w(f)itted beard

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Procrastination and Apathy

These words are my escape. Al I know is I just want to keep on writing, maybe while writing I would magically stumble upon the magical keywords that opens the magical land of inner peace, lol, let me give a try here...mmm... Skadoosh! lol, that aint working, im still here in front of my laptop... mm I guess there should be a much more funky name for the land of inner peace...right now I cant seem to come up with something...

Well as I said all I wanna do is write here, without caring to see if what im saying makes any sense, im just thinking aloud here without really seeing the sense in it , im pretty sure many of us busters here would have been through the same thing here, times when you feel nothing is going your way and you only have yourself to blame. The days where the stakes of procrastination are really high, but we who have proved that procrastination and apathy are not just words, but a way of life. We ultimately screw up, no matter how good life is now, I know it can go downside any moment, it could happen due to our own fault or it could even happen due to something which we dont have any control over. Life, life , life!

We live on breathing the golden words " next time"... if there wasnt any "this time" there aint gonna be any "next time" too.

Better get some sense into stuff and start doing what you ought to. Because time is waaaaaay faster than Usain bolt! lol dumb stuff.

But like in a poem,

Hush! I can see joy coming hither.. :)

Allthough from an altogether different source... :P

And I repeat, Procrastination and Apathy arent just words, but a way of life for us busters :P

Better get cruise control

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate,
but we are powerful beyond measure"
   - Marianne Williamson

Monday, December 5, 2011

Happy birthday to you!

Happy birthday sweet sis! I guess you are 14 now! I mean yea I guess :P
and yes Happy birthday to you! And here's a blog just for you! Aint I the sweetest! lol,

Well dont get fooled thinking so, this girl was after me here asking to write an entry about her here in the blog. Lol, I said alrite I will write for your b'day. An excuse for  a b'day plan too ( Well take me for a miser, this was just my plan B). And I guess its working :P

Well what to write about her, mm she is the sweetest lol, im not kidding, she could fool yourself for a lil devil but she is a swee lil angel, a gem, yes a bit stupid too but I guess that comes in the package hehe... kiddin di,

Well its been quiet a bit long since me and she started living seas apart, that's Kochi and London, and the story is ulta here, I mean the lil sister is in London and the brother is stuck in Kochi, lol , long story, but we will soon be together. Mm so yea we were talking about her , we are like every other bro-sis, but just a bit more sweeter relation :D She is my love, my swee lil beaver, hehe. There's this song in the movie Juno which I always sing to her "Dearest, you will always be the nearest to my heart", she always seem to get irritated by this but that is a song that atleast remotely says how I feel about her, I love her. Like I never thought I could love anybody else, and yea she thinks Im Superman! :D

lol, we have like loadsa fun together, we fight a lot, and I should say this again, with sugar on top, she is the sweetest, whenever we are together, she always follows me around like a lil kid, I mean she is a lil kid, or say like a sidekick :D But Superman doesnt have a sidekick really naa.. hmm... should think about it before I put on the red cape and jockey again :D

Well I am not sure she would understand half the things I wrote here but for dumb person she is pretty smart :D , lol, see this is what things are always, me making fun of her, and its endless saga.

But jokes apart among the people I know, she is the one person I love with all my heart, a love that's pure. I mean along with Mum. ( lol, I should add that else the Mum daughter feud would begin like that).

Between us there's just love and fun along with small segments of bro sis fights, fights over remote, fights over who gets into mums lap first , fights for who gets the big couch to watch tv lol.

Well missing her, like loads, and sometimes it pains too, mm but as they say everything is happening for a good reason.

So here I am being the loving big brother I am wishing you Happy Birthday and keeping my word about the blog.

Dearest , you will always be the nearest to my heart,

Here I am wishing you on your b'day,
Wish kisses galore, and prayers of sweeter days,
Let presents and wishes be heaped,
But with love being the bigger heap,
And for the sweetheart you are, love -
It will always be heaped in volumes immeasurable...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY :) :) :) :)

DISCLAIMER : ( lol, I had to do this, ahem normally I am not this sweetsugary and melo, haha, kidding)

Anything for you da... love... Mwah :)

A pic that's taken two years ago I guess.

Friday, December 2, 2011

The routine stop: Breaking it!

Everyday when I come back from the day's adventure there's only one thing in my mind, its not to play FIFA or its not about which movie I am going to watch today, but its about how I wanna blog when I come back to my flat. I literally wanna blog my life away. But the same routine keeps on repeating, I will come back , do some stuff, play fifa, and then gets all lazy and sleep off. The blog waits for another day, which is ofcourse just a day in the long chain of "another days".

But here I am typing, breaking the routine of non-blogging, and today's adventure, pretty good actually, Went to White sugar's rock show which was conducted as part of the protest for a new dam. Mm and White Sugar as always , kept the heads banging!

And then to Dirty Picture. Surprisingly good movie, I mean I just expected a masala flick. But Vidya Balan "take a bow" everyone. She was absolute! There I said it, Absolute! Not even putting adjectives there.

As the critics said "She has got balls" :D (nice comment there).

Mm well that's the day, I should kickstart bloggin again on a bigger scale, I mean also in Squares and Circles too, mm lazy ass I am!

Well goodnight fellas, Vidya is to be in my dreams... olalala olalala.... :D

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Chocalate Confessions : Pre.Production

lol, let me make this into a project, and for those of all ya dudheads still laughing their ass off, I am pretty serious about it this time, I mean yesterday I had peas and mushrooms, damn! I cant remember the last time I had Veg voluntarily for dinner! lol, Anyway you get the point. So the whole of November is pre production phase. That is me working on and seeing what are the possibilities in veg and also analyzing what all I can limit and what all I dont have to and stuff. So after November I am gonna be back.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Chocolate Confessions: The Start

Hey All,

Stuck in Chennai airport for like two hours, and I thought I would do this now, I mean I really wanted to do this before I land back in Kerala. So after ages of procrastination Chocolate Confessions is born here.

And not holding back any drama, I mean if there's any, this Choc_Conf would be my diet journal or in stronger words, trying to get away from the wayward weak and stupid guy I am in terms of looking after my body. And precisely now I really do realize the problems I am suffering and with a vision what I will be in years to come. That I cant allow. All my close friends would be thinking, "Ah there he goes again". lol, I know this would be like my umpteenth diet plan. But this is something different, here more than desire this is a requirement I guess, trying to instill discipline of some sort in my other wards wayward life.
And besides, if there's something I really ought to respect, its what I write, so I thought I will write down my journey of getting back on shape through this blog. Will be one hell of a rollercoaster.

Rules Ah.... lol... I know I know I have to be harsh with myself here. Well but what I learned is that an easy diet is much better to follow than a really military one. Good for the mind thou, so I am not going to give up on anything but setting up decent rules here and there....

Damn I cant do this, Well I will think about it and come

Next part is setting the rules... mm ought to be tricky.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Soul poetry. 1:Invictus

Poems - That crafty art of words that instills marvel and mystery altogether... blah! :P

But I love poems, and I write poems, thou not many have seen light, and if you wanna read one poem I wrote recently Melancholia , check it out!

My poems are mainly 10 minute works, primarily due to the fact that I am lazy to sit in front of paper and thinking through and between the lines, I go with the flow, my poems are so, my actions are so and my life is so soo.

So but I gape with Awe of creative works that has inspired generations. So Thought I will share three poems that got me hooked from films.

Invictus is a movie I saw just to listen to that poem, and boy there is only one right way to listen to that poem, narrated by Morgan Freeman. I am telling you there aint any other good way to listen to it.

But here goes the poem , written by William Earnest Henley. goes like this.

Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.

In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the Horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds and shall find me unafraid.

It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.

Amen I say! Its said that Henley's whole life is depicted by this single poem. Putting one's life into a poem , that is why this poem is so powerful. That is why this poem is said to have taken Nelson Mandela through 27 years of prison. That is why this poem was recited by some ,before their execution.

What if our life could make a poem? Would it be empty or would it be cliche? I hope it wont be either....

Friday, September 30, 2011

Pusruit of HappYness (purposefull spell glitch)

Life is as they say in the movie, Pursuit of HappYness... and yet people find it so difficult in the quest , but often they do miss the lil things that could give them that feeling.

Well it would appear rich for me to say in midst of my colleagues with their own share of trouble's with all three W's :P , but here we all are one, joined together by one, the elixir that holds the weak and the strong together in the same line.
But here I enjoy, listening to Pink Floyd or Red hot chilly peppers , we enjoy the beats, the jokes, the stupid slumbers, the clean up's.... and the endless call for night outs and ride in through the thick of the night, where to we want to go, still to get stuck in the circle of everyday pursuit, pursuit of happYness, but yet we fail to see its always there within the reach of our hand, lol, anyway after a hectic week, Im enjoyin this moment, this moment of liberation I could say, yet to find myself stuck, I thank, Akhil (my partner in crime) , Edwin , Amal, Sujith, Randeep, Suraj in the Ghost House

Just finding the magicin every moment that we live on, magic that eludes us in the trickery of life, its always there , but hard to find always. Just a simple smile or a stupid joke would always bring it up high :p

Anyway listening to Pink Floyd.... Wish you were here... guess thats the line to end with, here we go... endless in our pursuit... :D

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Arrack and the Ego! :D

Header : A book shopping trip to Reliance timeout :D

First let me start with the nadan chollu.... '" Muttathe Mullayku Manamilla".

So here goes...

After a really tired week, even thou it was three days we had to finish a lot at work. Anway after working a lot in front of my system I decided that I am gonna stay away from my laptop and TV and decided to go find solace in a book. So I opened up my roommate's bookshelf, and saw Gravity's Rainbow and City of Joy. Both appeared really difficult for my overworked mind at that point and I decided to go for something light and witty. So there I go to Reliance timeout.

11:00 AM, Entered into Timeout!

11:03 Found this book called "Arrack in the afternoon" in the We recommend section. And instantly I took it (esp seeing the cover page :D ). I found the whole thing interesting especially the last line in the backcover. It was a line about how people tussle and try to get ahead of another.I turned the front cover and peeked if whether Independent or the Sunday telegraph had a word to say about it, something like "meticulously petrocious" (a ChaYoWo joke) :D Others forgive :p
But anyway I thought it would be something fresh.

And there comes the EGO! After reading the very best from Modern writers I felt a bit awkward to pick this one up, lol, I mean after Nabakov - Lolita, Kurt Vonnegut - Slaughterhouse Five and Joseph Heller - Something happened, I felt stupid picking this one up. I mean what if the book itself is studid and I would feel like a lame ass after reading it. My mind was like "Aye enthoke engeneya pedikya". Atleast oru National best seller enkilum vende...., She, ennalum! " lol
Anyway I took the book in my hand and with my high-headed soul decided to take a stroll through International Fiction and I found many interesting authors, and between them Mathew Menachery looked like a "Who am I".
I felt the Jose Saramago's and Ian McEwan's glaring at me with their Nobel and Booker Prizes captions glowing in bright red!! Lol , I mean they would have felt like I have picked a Perk XL Glucose from a shelf contained with Hershey's, Lindt etc.

I checked for other books and went on for an hour.

After an hour trying to satisfy my ego , I decided to give Mathew Menachery a chance and billed the damn thing.

My point is we are so saturated with western culture that we are not giving chance for the home grown talent, whether it be talents or brands or whatever be, Whenever something is labelled INDIAN, we say Oh righ! Where's the Lee showroom?

I feel embarrassed at myself that I too was a part of it, and for penance I thought il make it public, lol...

So I am off to those arrack smelling pages now and hope I do not feel like a lame ass after reading the whole damn thing,

Wait for the review thou :P

Saturday, August 6, 2011


the pristine creature of infinite melancholia
spreading the sense it preached...
this creature that never dies,
it plays around and around,now it,
defiled the wind with its doleful spores...
the rain in concert ,
lured me into the enticing wind,
it tainted my bliss with seeds of melancholy;
my bliss , tainted grey now,
I fell for this play and for the doleful spores,
hidden in the layers of time is what I seek to meliorate,
frozen in time I lay; Hidden,
is what I seek,in layers of time...
until I could rewind the clock,

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

The habitless habit

Here I am , Staring into the dawn, another one of those sleepless nights for this dreaming insomniac.

A doorbell at 1:00. and lol, it aint ghosts. (Sorry to disappoint).
Two stray souls who walked all the way from Kaloor to kakkanad covering I guess could be like 10 km. Not because they dint get the bus or they were out of cash, guess its just a remembrance for the primitive past, a homage perhaps. Let's give around of applause for Sudheer Menon and Arun Devis for doing this amazing feat, or in my words, quiet fruitless and unnecessary exercise. Hehe..

Then the usual philo stuff, and there was this particular topics about people who always follow a definite pattern in life, the things they do, the time they wake up, the time they sleep, clockwork. Any change in the pattern would make them all restless and stuff.

But when looked upon our life, Arun gave me this thought that the only habit in our life we had is that its habitless.
The habitless habits... I just thought I will rant about this. But what about this, I dont know. Again I guess this can be equated to the mystery prime numbers are (ah not again right) .

I mean what should be the prior focus here...

Should it be the insomniac me and my habit less habits. I mean even that's some kind of habits right? Or should it be the tireless walkers paying tribute to our stone age ancestors?
should it be the patterned people, leading a mechanical life with patterns, in this patternless life?
or maybe I don't want to focus on anything, I just wanted to put this memory here in blogger.

I could end like a Martin Scorsese style asking "Which would be worse - to live as a monster, or to die as a good man? ".

The answer to these questions would not help us in anyway, because life can be lived in parallel,
we may travel in different lanes of life , yet we could all be in the same sphere of life. I guess that's the beauty of it.

So coming back to the header, I guess patterned or habit less life, doesn't really makes much difference. Because we all are traveling the parallel lanes of the same big wide road life is, it takes us more or less the same kind of places,
I mean unless you take opposite or more like diverging lanes...

I guess its not just with habits, but with life itself, most of the paths we take take us to the same kind of places, like happiness and peace.(again unless u take opposite ways)

I don't know if its like that, I have no way to know, but if it aint like that, I could just pray let it be like that, let everyone of us find bliss in his or her own way....

Goodnight and god bless...

Monday, August 1, 2011

The prime numbered life...

Life, the mystery of mysteries.
I always thought life can be described in umpteen number of ways...
Life is crazy,
Life is simple,
Life is tough,
Life is a roller coaster,
Also you would have heard the popular rant, Life is a bitch... lol,

but here goes a paragraph from the book.. "
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time by Mark Haddon.". - The book is about a kid with autism goes in search of the murderer of the Dog that died in the neighborhood, his mannerisms and the way he see's things...

This excerpt is something that WOW ed me. one of the best writings that simplifies the explanation of LIFE. And I guess this is as good as it gets, i.e explaining how some things cant be explained. I don't think there would be a better way to do this...
Here goes...
"Chapters in books are usually given the cardinal numbers 1,2,3,4,5,6 and so on But I have decided to give my chapters prime numbers 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13 and so on because I like prime numbers.

This is how you work out what prime numbers are. First you write down all the positive whole number in the world. Then take away all the numbers that are multiple of 2. Then you take away all the number that are multiples of 3. Then you take away all the that are multiples of 4 and 5 and 6 and 7 and so on. The numbers that are left are the prime numbers.

The rule for working out prime numbers is really simple, but no one has ever worked out a simple formula for telling you whether a very big number is a prime number or what the next one will be. If a number is really, really big, it can take a computer years to work out whether it is a prime number.

Prime numbers are useful for writing codes and in America they are classed as Military Material and if you find one over 100 digits long you have to tell the CIA and they buy it off you for $10, 000. But it would not be a very good way of making a living.

Prime numbers are what is left when you have taken all the patterns away. I think prime numbers are like life. They are very logical but you could never work out the rules, even if you spent all your time thinking about them."

Curtain falls....
My Rants

Clap Clap Mr Haddon!

and no matter what happens, we all are and always will be these pattern less prime numbers living on trying hard to make out the patterns that doesn't exist...

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Why the ink should flow? or the Pixels I say.

This is why I consider I should be writing. Or maybe not just me, but the whole lot for whom writing is something....

For those of ya all who have seen "Zindagi na milegi dubara" remember when Katrina says Deep Sea Diving is like meditation for her, its the same with me, writing...
it comes from a source within, a source that's true and pure, maybe thats what we call as the soul, the embodiment of ourselves,

When I write, I think clear , not just about what I write, but everything else that's happening.
My mind normally is in 7 places in parallel, but when I write all 7 becomes one, not like the horcruxes of Voldemort but more like Po, the Kung fu Panda's quest for Inner Peace :)

I come across a peaceful bliss, a whim of blessed solitude I must say. Also this keeps me focused, keeps both feet on the ground.

It makes me stay in touch with who I am always, that blessed glow that lightens up the whole human in me~

Phew~! Enough of this loada Philo, so what I wanted to bring out was every Lazy ass out there (no offence , coz even Im involved.) who can jot down something , to do it...

So here we go again :)

Alas~! The Dream ripens :)

Okay the prologue...

I always wanted to be an intense blogger , but always thought , I will start to be one when I get a regular internet connection.
( P.S I never had one since school. Coz I dint wanted another nitwit in my long list of time wasting skills I had procured and sharpened over time )

But now I took one (the need arised), And I thought I will atleast write one entry to pacify myself and the promises I always make with the lazy part of me. In this case its being a blogger.

I think I should write one separate entry to why I think I should be writing itself.

So to the blogger I may never become (too much apathy and procastination)!!

Let me write in detail about abstract things,
let me write poems, where each words are like breezes that the butterfly loves to be in,
let me write about shades of black and white,
about people being judgmental or about people itself,
about football, about friendship...
about life itself...

and let something of the above come true, I mean how many times should one disappoint oneself.

But let the toast be to the blogger that I never may happen to be :D

and let this break one of my signature sayings "monotony in its grave peril" :D
So here I go....

Monday, March 21, 2011


When I see a church filled with people a feeling of being lost rises in me, I wish i could have been a part of them, I miss believing with innocence and singing to the hymns. I wish I could be one among them again, but will I be? I dont knw...

I am in a battle with myself, I dont wanna establish my theories or wanna get into debates with some another about faith. I am in a battle with myself.

But one thing I know is that in time of deep despair or fear I have lost my ally.

Im stuck between two beliefs and wish I could levitate and see both much clearer from above and make up my mind....

Friday, March 4, 2011

Religious Hypnosis

Im not an athiest, I dont knw what to tell them. I can say im a believer only because I was told to believe, right from the start of my life, but another reason is that I pray when I get scared and hopeless.

Damn that movie! After watching "Man From Earth" and the theory about Christ in it is much more believable. The theory is that Christ was just a human like everyone else but gifted with grace elegance and Knowledge. The church wanted to stamp their superiority so later all this story about the Son of God and the rest was made up.

I have also read the same about Hindu Gods, Krishna and co, they were too normal kings, but gifted in warcraft and diplomacy.

Somehow these versions are believable due to their appalling simplicity.

Also in this book I have read "Conversations with God", its being said the life around us, thats GOD!!

So all this appeals to my simple sense . I agree Religion is essential to create a good morale in the society. But I kinda think the religious gurus have gone overboard with things.

When I pray now its mostly out of habit and now im confused of what to do.

but I guess in the end nobody can prove or disprove anything and its always better to stick with the crowd because else you are not going to be labeled brave and revolutionary, but sick and insane, thats how it was always been.

Ending this with one of my fav quote...

"Live a good life. If there are gods and they are just, then they will not care how devout you have been, but will welcome you based on the virtues you have lived by. If there are gods, but unjust, then you should not want to worship them. If there are no gods, then you will be gone, but will have lived a noble life that will live on in the memories of your loved ones."
Marcus Aurelius

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

a short breath...the shallow monotony!

I have been feeling riddled in the maze of monotony, which in my own lines I would quote as
"Monotony in its grave peril!!"
"The meloncholic shallow emotion"
And more than depressed I was, in dire need of a getaway, but too tangled in these cobwebs.....

Okay I know, enough of philo, Im just tired of not having any thing other than my work to cheer me up, and the routine stuff, Office-Flat-Office-Flat!
Effin tired!

(But before things get worse let me you, I love what I have in my office alrigh, its fun to be in) Okay here goes

Just now I got out of office, went had food, and on my way to flat I thought what the heck am i gonna do there, Yes I knw, Kings Speech and Colin Firth awaits me, But they will too another day, So at 9 pm I came back to office, Talk about not having a life~~!!

Wish I could have gone somewhere you know, like a getaway, ride through a countryside for days stopping at the small towns in the way, or just go away and live in some mountains with lotsa

the basic problem what I feel is there is nothing to look forwards to at the end of the day, all you see is tomorrow with the same routine....

a getaway is all I want,
dont wanna quit but merely a breath of the pristine,
blue skies n green should be the pastures,
with love amidst or beside,
a breath of purity, simplicity...
just a short breath...

Monday, January 10, 2011

The New Year Resolutions!

Guess I really should put down my resolutions on paper before I start forgetting them. I mean there were five of them and the fifth one I just cant remember it. So now there are four and I still tend to forget them . So guess putting it here would be a good idea such that next year instead of making new resolutions I can just copy it from here :D

Okay Number One: The ever present "Shed Weight" reso!
I think this was there in my list for like last 5-6 years. But its high time I start on something as the weight reached a glorious figure of 82kgs! and with a height of 5'7 thats like obese.

Number Two: Learn Swimming.
This is in my head for quite a while and hope this will be the year....

Number Three: Get into a more organized lifestyle. As official responsibilities start increasing I guess this should be given high priority. But just dont think this is possible, lol, I guess even something minor could be counted in as success.

Number four: Clear the damn supplies!! Nothing else to comment on it.!

Guess that does the trick. Just wish I could have remembered the fifth one.

P.S: Along with these there is the eternal resolution to end up being a good human in all ways. With better emotional maturity!
