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Sunday, November 13, 2011

Chocolate Confessions: The Start

Hey All,

Stuck in Chennai airport for like two hours, and I thought I would do this now, I mean I really wanted to do this before I land back in Kerala. So after ages of procrastination Chocolate Confessions is born here.

And not holding back any drama, I mean if there's any, this Choc_Conf would be my diet journal or in stronger words, trying to get away from the wayward weak and stupid guy I am in terms of looking after my body. And precisely now I really do realize the problems I am suffering and with a vision what I will be in years to come. That I cant allow. All my close friends would be thinking, "Ah there he goes again". lol, I know this would be like my umpteenth diet plan. But this is something different, here more than desire this is a requirement I guess, trying to instill discipline of some sort in my other wards wayward life.
And besides, if there's something I really ought to respect, its what I write, so I thought I will write down my journey of getting back on shape through this blog. Will be one hell of a rollercoaster.

Rules Ah.... lol... I know I know I have to be harsh with myself here. Well but what I learned is that an easy diet is much better to follow than a really military one. Good for the mind thou, so I am not going to give up on anything but setting up decent rules here and there....

Damn I cant do this, Well I will think about it and come

Next part is setting the rules... mm ought to be tricky.

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