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Friday, March 4, 2011

Religious Hypnosis

Im not an athiest, I dont knw what to tell them. I can say im a believer only because I was told to believe, right from the start of my life, but another reason is that I pray when I get scared and hopeless.

Damn that movie! After watching "Man From Earth" and the theory about Christ in it is much more believable. The theory is that Christ was just a human like everyone else but gifted with grace elegance and Knowledge. The church wanted to stamp their superiority so later all this story about the Son of God and the rest was made up.

I have also read the same about Hindu Gods, Krishna and co, they were too normal kings, but gifted in warcraft and diplomacy.

Somehow these versions are believable due to their appalling simplicity.

Also in this book I have read "Conversations with God", its being said the life around us, thats GOD!!

So all this appeals to my simple sense . I agree Religion is essential to create a good morale in the society. But I kinda think the religious gurus have gone overboard with things.

When I pray now its mostly out of habit and now im confused of what to do.

but I guess in the end nobody can prove or disprove anything and its always better to stick with the crowd because else you are not going to be labeled brave and revolutionary, but sick and insane, thats how it was always been.

Ending this with one of my fav quote...

"Live a good life. If there are gods and they are just, then they will not care how devout you have been, but will welcome you based on the virtues you have lived by. If there are gods, but unjust, then you should not want to worship them. If there are no gods, then you will be gone, but will have lived a noble life that will live on in the memories of your loved ones."
Marcus Aurelius


  1. nijo maybe u know i have been an athiest for almost 6 years now... life has not been really different for me... people do find it criticising or maybe as if i was mad... but i never cared... i wanted to believe what i thought was right, not what i was taught from the time I was born... But honesstly its individual perceptions.. i dont preach people that they are wrong or I am right.. I got fed up of all these myths and so called facts and so I started beileving that it was just a self satisfaction that was derived from prayers and nothing else.... but when those prayers go unanswered its becomes more frustrating... so its better to live ur own life and do something good so that you get them in return...

  2. Very interesting post! I particularly like the Marcus Aurelius quote.
