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Friday, December 2, 2011

The routine stop: Breaking it!

Everyday when I come back from the day's adventure there's only one thing in my mind, its not to play FIFA or its not about which movie I am going to watch today, but its about how I wanna blog when I come back to my flat. I literally wanna blog my life away. But the same routine keeps on repeating, I will come back , do some stuff, play fifa, and then gets all lazy and sleep off. The blog waits for another day, which is ofcourse just a day in the long chain of "another days".

But here I am typing, breaking the routine of non-blogging, and today's adventure, pretty good actually, Went to White sugar's rock show which was conducted as part of the protest for a new dam. Mm and White Sugar as always , kept the heads banging!

And then to Dirty Picture. Surprisingly good movie, I mean I just expected a masala flick. But Vidya Balan "take a bow" everyone. She was absolute! There I said it, Absolute! Not even putting adjectives there.

As the critics said "She has got balls" :D (nice comment there).

Mm well that's the day, I should kickstart bloggin again on a bigger scale, I mean also in Squares and Circles too, mm lazy ass I am!

Well goodnight fellas, Vidya is to be in my dreams... olalala olalala.... :D

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