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Saturday, December 18, 2010

White Bloggy Sugar \m/

"Its an evenflow....

Ancel Edwin is a singer who had made me awestruck with his vocals the last time I had heard "Boogeyman"(i mean could it get better??)!!
But after today's gig I just have one thing to say
WhiteSugar Rocks!!!
I dint realized how hard a WS fan I was until today, I mean I totally missed you guys together today . I am just back after the gig at Sand dunes with Ancel in the vocals and Clement Nijo and Gilbert as backup along with boy wonder Freddie.
Though Ancel is why I went for the show (P.S I dint know about whitesugar's involvement until
the last minute) but it was whitesugar who have made me stay and even after the last song was played I dint wanna leave the place as WS was still there.
Through out the show my mind was like wishing if Ancel would magically metamorphose(not into a monster like in Kafka's) but even better into James!!! I sorely missed him and his antics!
No Offense to Ancel (you are out of the world with your vocals man, like too gud!! thou I did felt he was a lil off colour today)
but I wanted to see whitesugar and I wanted to see whitesugar.
James the rockstar, Clement the God of Guitar, Nijo the bass hero and Gilbert the laughing drumwizard!
Missed everything, Missed Swamy, missed the time machine, the myth, country, rage against the machine and everything you guys are about.
It's Just a treat too see you guys together in the stage, a treat for the burning youth to whom the rock you perform is an ignition to shake off everything around and to tel' em to screw off!
Rock Rules!! The Fist!!!
Looking forwards to the next gig with just a doubt, lol, I mean I dunt knw how the small stage in Sand Dunes is gonna contain the WS dynamism and Sad I cant see James jumping to the crowd but who knws he still may find a way to do something crazy... :D
again Whitesugar Rocks!!!
\m/ \m/

Waiting for the next gig

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Reanimated! The girl with beautiful eyes

Well I wanted to do another write up on it and i dint wanna to delete wat i had written previously so i thought i'l write another one about the same thing, yea i knw its boring, but what to do im bored ,lol....
(and yea about my "lols", i have started gettin a lotta people saying dude do less with the "lols", but it has became such a common habit in my writing, but im trying to reduce it :D ) So peace!!

I wish I had'n done that, because now her face and eyes are haunting me....

Okay guys the recap...

Scene1 the regular: The daily dinner ride to abhirami...Me Arun Kuria and Saniboi...

Scene 2 the regular favourite: A good looking girl with very dreamy eyes walks in....
blackish eyes with matching eyebrows and could say maybe almond shaped :D
And like very normal guys we started looking at her ...the very normal ogling sessions i guess...
and then the idea of why not going and compliment her, let me tel you guys it would be worth complimenting because its not everyday you could see eyes that you cant stop looking at...
but anyway the suggestion was dismissed as premature...

Scene3 the getaway: The feeling of wanting to compliment remained strong for me and Arun(for obvious reasons this name Arun will be said as Pothay, after the pothay royal family of paravoor :D ),anyway coming back, sany and kuria left and we remained, but we were very much aware of our backbone Itch's and thought of treating it and left the scene back to the flat...Yes like almost always we decided to bunk the thought!

Scene 4 the unusual comeback: Riding back we had the normal discussion of we could have done it and blah blah, So i thought damn why not like Robert Frost would have said "take the road less travelled"....Bham we are back in front of abhirami and yes she is still there...

Scene 5 the very unusual: There she comes , pothay had arranged the bike in the getaway position , there she is , my breath would have been so asynchronous with my heartbeat...breathless but heart beating like an angry drum!
There she is....
"excuse me"
She turns
"hi, we just wanted to say a compliment, your eyes, they look really beautiful..., well I just wanted to say that"
An expression of shock and surprise on her face...
A stupid nervousness in me....I showed a "thats all" hand gesture and jumped back to the bike and left....

Scene 6 the aftertaste: I wish I knew her name, I had already forgotten how she looked like, I dont knw if i will see her again, but the corporate tag and the routine abhirami dinner habit the only hope...
I felt like i was in love for atleast a not by the way....

wish I could have done it better or waited for her reply or something but this being my first experience in something like this(This para is just to let know that im not someone who does this on regular basis, lol)

Scene 7 the unknown: Will I ever see her again....a big deep left me singing my fav song that soo coincidentally had everything to do with this situation...
"her eyes, her eyes, make stars look like they are not shining...."
Artist:Boyce avenue-Just the way you are..."

Waiting for Scene 8....

Friday, December 10, 2010

The deceitful masks...

A work i really loved from two of my work colleagues.... Thanks for sharing with this me, Clement and Pradeep, the two restless souls in search for the higher meaning... Maybe they are right, maybe its the masks that are smiling at us...

Thursday, December 9, 2010

The girl with beautiful eyes

I wish I had'n done that, because now her face and eyes are haunting me....

Okay guys a recap...

The casual dinner at abhirami, me arun kuria and sany....and there she walked im makin it already sounding like its casablanca 2 or something, anyway this girl with really beautiful eyes walked in and we were like really normal guys who never took our eyes off, i guess thats normal, and we were like we should compliment her, and yes I decided 0n that and like a typical malyalam movie scene me and arun waited out of abhirami to tel the owner of the eyes that we are fell in love with them...but lol my backbone had some minor issues and we decided to skip like we always did like almost forever...we rode back and then we talked like "what did we have to lose by saying that" lol back we went and yes she's still there with her two "not beautiful eyed" friends...
there she is coming....and we assumed the getaway position with arun in the front seat and the bike ready to be dashed out...she is close and my bated breath rhymed so synchronous with my heartbeat(damn! I wish i could have done it soo simply, but i guess she would have thought i did so), anyway coming back. She came close and I told her"Excuse me, (lol), We just wanted to pass a compliment, your eyes they look really beautiful, we were waiting here to tell you that ,(She is shocked and stunned, I could tell that),i ended with a Good night"....and jumped back to the bike and left leaving her stunned...

i wish i had waited for a response or i wish i could have done it better but this is my first experience in doing something like this, guess this would just be the beginning of something great... (lol, this dia is just to give the picture that im not someone who regularly does things like this and is my first experience :D )

but now i cant stop thinkin about her, lol, with a fear that i might never see her again but my greater fear is that I might forget how she looks...the only hope is the corporate tag that decorated her and the routine dinner habit at abhirami....

Making me sing "her eyes her eyes make stars look like they are not shining"....

But again will I see her ever again...hah....a big long sigh...." her eyes her eyes make stars look like they are not shining.....(Boyce avenue song)

(Song Courtesy:Bruno Mars-Just the way you are, But I suggest to check the cover Boyce Avenue-Just the way you are)

Sunday, December 5, 2010

The girl with no butt!

Oh everyone would be so interested as to know who the girl with no Butt would be, hehe, but let me let u, i just applied a small trick they use in the marketing field, as to showcase something intersting, hehe, i just wanted to write about "the girl with no but"
"Buts and if's, the conditional curses of modern literature, lol, "I like a girl but....." "She is really good but... " what comes after the but is all that matters, I wish I hear something from someone that dosent have a but in the sentence, i mean i have heard a guy saying, "da i love her very much n all but she has became all fat n all" BHAM!!! I wish i just could beat him up, hah I have only heard once a guy saying, and this guy is my best friend okay, he said like "da i love her", yes guys there are no buts at all, but sadly the villian life is made him say da "but she is a muslim" and sadly no matter what they want they just cant build a relation, i knw they cant, ah sad....i just dont knw when will I get to say a sentence about a girl without any buts, and whether a guy could ever say, but i guess when a guy loves her with that intensity and the girl loves him that fervour intensity then the buts would get transformed into nothingness right?
hAh, but right now its all butts~~~!!!! :D

A wake in its eternity

A wake in its eternity~! :D

I dont think there is a better statement that could go as an opening line to my long lived dream of being a blogger! lol, finally it happened, and what better state to start a blog when your mood is defined by the two beers I had?? And when your finger tips dont obey your mind, i.e when they type "a" insteada "d" you want, it aint a pleasent situation, and if you think that this blog is totally spelled correctly that is just coz of hardwork in retyping and the magic of backsplace, i mean backspace~~ !! :D

A lot of things comin to my mind now, including the value of relationships that i have to keep to the new game ideas that i should have to the next facebook post that i should put in to the latest song releases and blah blah blah, my mind is soo crowded....
but I hope i will be able to release all these among thee...
and for no reason I am quoting the prayer from Boondock saints partyl maybe I loved the movie and everything related to that

"When I raise my flashing sword, and my hand takes hold on judgment, I will take vengeance upon mine enemies, and I will repay those who hate me. Oh, Lord, raise me to Thy right hand and count me among Thy saints."

well i knw it wont sound very symmetrical with the quote but i love the last line,requoting
"Oh lord, raise me to thy right hand and count me among thy saints"

saying adieu to you all, and happy that I have put in my first post, well look for my second post, "the girl with no butt",lol...soon to be typed...
(P.S Boondock Saints movie...a Good watch, Some say Rang De Basanti was inspired from this movie...)