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Monday, November 12, 2012

U turn!

Decision to close down thenightscripts is reversed, so is the decision to quit being a philosophical drab :P
(For the uninitiated , read this "Paradigm shift" )

I thought it will be cool to write about cool amusing stuff that interests everyone, but decided not too because that means I need to find time to write on that, I mean I hardly write here. More than time to write, I need to find interesting stuff, the research involved... blah! Cant cant!
This is much more simpler. Being me!! Writing what I want instead of trying to entertain the general crowd who may or may not care.

Also another important reason is that I have started another blog. It's more of a career centric blog, yes yes a gaming blog :)
More about the magical world of games there. Along with that started a twitter handle in the same name. So all of my effort would be to run that page good and proper.

So let this space be for me and my musings. For the dreamer and philosopher within. And for love :)

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

A paradigm shift :)

Hello everyone... This will probably will the last post from my blogspot thenightscripts.... :)

Or wait I don't think I should kill thenightscripts... It is a very fundamental part of me. But I want to get out of it and write much more amusing stuff, amusing not just to me but everyone, write about food, write about football, write about beer,  write about movies, art, books, beer... etc :)

I mean quit being a philosophical drab that interests none but myself. But I think keeping thenightscrips open would be a good idea for the late night drunk rants :P

Words, oh come closer,
Cos you are always so wondrous,
Come closer here, let me look at you,
Oh yes, there I see myself in you,
In bits and pieces I can see me wholly in you, stay closer now,
I need you with me....

So here's another blog for my love for words.

So nightscripts is gonna be labelled "Personal rants and philosophical drabs" from now on...

I need to find a new name for the blog... Let's see what I can come up with : )

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Emotions, Choices and Crossroads :)

I always thought I am always right in terms of my emotions, I mean if I don't then who does?
But damn I am finding myself in the awkward position that I ask myself was I right? And if im wrong would I need to look back in regret?
In terms of  regular emotions like happiness and anger etc I guess we can pretty much be sure as you grew up with it, but what about the most complex emotion of all, love? How would I be sure? Have I been living in a shell of denial? I think I was but the possibility scares me to be frank. Like my best bud said to me this is what's like feeling high when I stated that I am not feeling drunk on the first time ever.
It scares me to think I am wrong, but I guess I just turned wiser to think that I can be wrong about what I feel inside myself. Damn freaking system! :P

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Rumbles mumbles and tumbles :)

Today I am gonna blog! ! ! !
That is something I say to myself every day but sadly me being me, it never happens. And its important to me because writing and reading is something very close to me, I dont wanna go on another sprint about writing, but try reading this naa  !"Why the ink should flow"!!!

So anyway today for some reason I found the inspiration to do this,
Mm so cant believe its saturday, seemed a lot like friday, maybe coz of the number of hours spent in office.
So just back after Thatatthin Marayathu, describing it in one phrase - Mediocre at its decent best :P

The problem with the movie is that the best scenes in the movies are already shown in the promos.

Well nothing great and also they kind of over did the musical influence in the movie.

So right now watching Rockstar, havent watched it yet even thou I am in love with all the songs, Kun Faya Kun have to one of the best songs ever.

So cant believe Dark Knight Rises next week, I have never waited for a movie like I have waited for this.

Trying to learn touch typing.
Had a nice time in the Amaara Bonding session :)

Mm what else? Looking forward to sleeping  a  lot tomorrow and want to finish the book "Verukal" .

Well that is it I guess, damn this looks like a diary entry.

Guess I should log off! :P

Friday, June 22, 2012

From tetris to my bed!

Well I love my bed with its two cozy pillows and the open balcony to which the stars stretch out in the sky..
Ah want to use the floyd lines here.
"Into the distance, a ribbon of black
Stretched to the point of no turning back"

So thought il jot down some more lines before going and trying to get some sleep.

And yea the weekend, looking forward to it, two main reasons. One of my closest friend is getting married. Naima Ayvelil Naina! Cant wait to see you all dressed up as the beautiful bride. 
Second reason , well at the same wedding I am gonna see one my really special friend. She disappeared two two years ago on the day of convocation, Samavarthanam it is called righ?  So she disappeared at that day and no one have ever seen her since. So kind of eagerly waiting to see her and to give a big smack to her stupid head! lol, I am gonna do that!! :evil:)
She reminds me of the fish Dory in Finding Nemo. If you know Dory you dont need me to tell why :P
I bug her a lot thru mails calling her Dory, lol. So Neethu Elizabeth Alexander, get ready to get your head smacked! Smacked big time I should warn you! :P
Im pretty sure you will have tails either from secret service or the FBI on you, so must be careful.

Lol, stupid really, consider this stupidity the effects from a sleep deprived mind.

So goodnight ya ll.

Between insomnia and tetris!

Well, pangs of insomnia in squares and circle and yes as tetris blocks too :p

So I thought what shall I do, well the same thought that always comes to my mind when I come back from office, I will blog but looking at my entries of this year, that hardly seems to be the case. Normally I sit to write something up and end up playing Tetris Battle or fighting with someone in football fanatics grp. Hmm so anyway now im actually doing it. :P

So the weekend and looking forward to it for many reasons. But looking at the week back it was as awesome as an awesome week can get. We had at the studio four fun loving gorgeous girls(the fifth one should feel sorry:P ) from college for one week of industrial visit. Well what more can you ask for an industrial visit, than visiting a game studio? Pretty sure they had a ball of time here, same goes for me. Pushing them into the one way lane of game addiction :P
Hope atleast one of them slides thru the gates of game-dom. :P
Well we had a ball of a time, not just them , but me and for everyone involved. I guess we all would miss each other atleast for a couple of days while we settle back to our usual work flow.
Well the biggest thing I had to say was to tell them to if they do not want to work choose your passion as your profession and in that way you would never have to "work". Ah I forgot to ask what their passion was, lol. I hope the one week stands as a testament to this.
After all it always is about being happy and content with what you do in life :)

So if the four of you are reading this you know how happy I am with what Im doing, hope you all can also can be the same with your life :)

Anyway that will do I guess :P

Goodnight? Mm no, Tetris Battle? heck no, lol.. I guess I shall do more writing, anyway im in the groove :P


Sunday, March 18, 2012

Memories?? Where are they?

"Into the distance, a ribbon of black
Stretched to the point of no turning back"

Long time since I wrote something, whenever I see lines of beauty I feel a sense of bitterness with a slight remorseful guilt. lol, I wanted to imply sadness so a slight usage of bitterness guilt and remorse.
I love to write, yet why dont I? I love to read but still its just a miniscule part of my life, do I give my time to my loved one's? Not that too, where's my time??

Unrecorded thoughts comes and goes in my mind, if ever there was a place to store all that ever came to our minds , something much more brilliant than the deceptive memory. We remember things that have happened, things that we want to happen, things we wish could have happened. But can memory ever bring us back the wonderfully weird thoughts, sometimes beautiful sometimes stupid little strands of words that have evoked the philosopher in us, the little moments that triggered those thoughts. The always amazing discussions born out of brew, we talk about movies, we talk about games, about football, about poems,about women,  about thoughts themselves, the enigma that people are,  the bigger enigma that life is, women, relationships, the universe, GOD himself, Art, women. These moments maybe recorded but are the thoughts? The great reel that life is, never gives us that, the past or unrecorded memory is a glimpse of bullet points but can we ever relive those moments? For that we have an absolute answer devoid of any conditional words.

I am not sure if any of the above made any sense and I hate reading through this again to see if it made any sense, coz you wont get that same opputunity in life. So tara!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Re-Solute! lol, 2012

Melcowe 2012 :) I hope you have brought Diablo 3 with you :D ( A line stolen from Angelo Rohit :D A pretty cool steal thou :P )

So here comes another year and after few days I have forced myself to pen down my resolutions that were swirling inside of me. A born procrastinator , and just cant seem to get myself to write down some of them  here. lol, guess I am finally doing it.

I am going to kinda get overboard with doing the resolution stuff here, because one thing I honor and find it difficult to do is the written word than the spoken words. Because crafting words is one thing I love that I can do. So I honor it. But please don't ask me what happened to the resolutions I wrote down last year 2011: Resolutions  &&& 2011 Review

** 2 days after

After days of keeping this in draft thought I should atleast complete this today, lol, talk about procrastination.

Well so I guess without further blabbering I will pen down my new year resolutions here.

The brand new ones
1) Play more games :D

How cool can a resolution be, and let  me dismiss any negativity here. Making games is what I do, so playing games should be more of a necessity :)

2) Get a gaming gear - Well get a ps3 or  an Xbox 360 :)

3) Go on a long trip - A road trip, and also if possible, a short visit to London :)

4) Get my gaming blog up and running.. . fill them out with squares and circles.

The cliche one's

1) Cut the flab! Well I oughta and Im sayin I will :) From higher 80's to I need to touch higher 70's.

2) Study, blah, An engineer by this year. Shoulda!

3) Organized? Well I guess this should be in there too, get more organized and also have better money management skills..

4)  Get the damn four wheeler license.

Well there you are 2012! Now gimme Diablo :D