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Wednesday, October 15, 2014

An oath to write!

Impregnated by the desire to write,
to give form to new words,
to tie them up with meaning,
and with it, bring meaning to my own,
and to discover me,
I live on with this desire,
Live on so lazily,
sulking the thought of effort,
dragging dreamily  my mind from one thought to another,
I live on with this desire…

Writing is what I dream of, writing moves my soul. I have written before telling how much I want to write, check this write up if you want to know how much I love to write - Why the ink should flow or pixels I say , but I have never written. Yes you know, I am so fucking lazy. Whenever I feel like writing I feel enchanted, but whenever I start to write, I think about the effort required and I very conveniently find out something else to do, like playing Fifa, or watching TV or just mindlessly wandering through my twitter or fb feed to find something interesting. That’s write, no productivity! Productivity takes effort and effort takes real effort. :P

But from now on I am a changed man, I will put in at least one blog a day, I mean WEEK! So here I take the oath to write! It will mostly be my philo drabbing or pointless rants but occasionally I promise to find something interesting and put in here, like beers or football or books or beers :P

So here we go folks! One article a week! :D

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