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Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Green Diwali!

For a change it felt nice to drive back from work. It was nice because the sky looked so fancy with multicolored crackers lighting it up. Now I am back home and I can still hear the loud bangs and cracks around. Let me look out the window, yes the sky is still lit up. Yes, Diwali is here and we as always proud to celebrate our culture. Last month there was Ganesh Chathurthi and I had a slight aversion to festivities after that, because after the celebration, the leftovers were polluted lakes where the immersion happened. I have heard the same story for Christmas too with the trees being cut down at a massive rate so Santa can come and keep the presents under it.

Ah another bang! That makes me come back to what I was gonna say here, Diwali is here, the festival of lights. I just did a quick google search and found that around 2000 to 5000 crores of rupees is spent during Diwali season by us to buy crackers. So now think about the chemical mix it contains. I don’t want to go into details of what all is in these crackers, but I can assure if you knew the problems that it can cause you will definitely not go near any of these. If you want me to list up problems with the same I can go on long, like Noise pollution, air pollution, health hazards, wastage of money and stuff like that, but enough!

I am not a big fan of lining up stats because I don’t think things like these should be advocated by hard stats but simple logic.  But still for stat hunters I saw figures online like 6000 ton of toxic garbage coming out of this one Diwali night. Also the scale of noise pollution and air pollution that’s happening is just massive on scale. So had fun breathing in the toxic dust? Happy Diwali to you I say.

I mean this is something we could avoid right? I know culture is a big thing for us but I believe nature should be our first culture. It was during the ancient ages but then we just got fucked up. But I think we are educated enough now to realize what we are doing and their consequences. I hope we all can go green on our festivities. Try this for a change
Happy Diwali folks! :D

Thursday, October 16, 2014

The railway romance!

The train station has a feeling of enchantment, 
the dust of wanderlust, invisible but felt

the metal doors of dreams are right in front,
dreams of travel that you had,
of distances short and long, 
metal doors with places you have only heard,

you wish you could step in and go, 
but you wait for the train, 
that takes you back to routine

Why is it that you can't follow your dream?
the one to take the road less traveled?

Guess we aren't taught to follow dreams
Our wings clipped long ago in school

Or are we too afraid to break the routine,
and embrace the unknown?

Wrote this sitting in a railway station that will take me home, yet so many trains stopped in front me that could take me to a lot of places, there was a part in me that wanted to sit inside one of those trains and let it take me to wherever it was going. Yet I couldn't do it, there was commitments waiting for me in the grey side of things. People that I want to meet(people I have been seeing all along), work to go to and stuff like that. I would have liked to call myself free and do whatever I wish and I intent on making it work like that. This thought took me to another place and I have decided to travel more, not to be a tourist but a traveler. Hope I can do this. Also check this video out that inspired me a lot. This is how travel should be. I am sure this traveler has a part of Turkey ingrained in him, I am sure he would have touched the soul of Turkey in his travel. I hope all of us can travel the way he did, sooner or later.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

An oath to write!

Impregnated by the desire to write,
to give form to new words,
to tie them up with meaning,
and with it, bring meaning to my own,
and to discover me,
I live on with this desire,
Live on so lazily,
sulking the thought of effort,
dragging dreamily  my mind from one thought to another,
I live on with this desire…

Writing is what I dream of, writing moves my soul. I have written before telling how much I want to write, check this write up if you want to know how much I love to write - Why the ink should flow or pixels I say , but I have never written. Yes you know, I am so fucking lazy. Whenever I feel like writing I feel enchanted, but whenever I start to write, I think about the effort required and I very conveniently find out something else to do, like playing Fifa, or watching TV or just mindlessly wandering through my twitter or fb feed to find something interesting. That’s write, no productivity! Productivity takes effort and effort takes real effort. :P

But from now on I am a changed man, I will put in at least one blog a day, I mean WEEK! So here I take the oath to write! It will mostly be my philo drabbing or pointless rants but occasionally I promise to find something interesting and put in here, like beers or football or books or beers :P

So here we go folks! One article a week! :D