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Friday, December 30, 2011

2011; Review

The kickoff for 2012 :D

What better way to start it than looking at the year behind :P

Thus underlying my primary instincts of being lazy, I mean this was something I oughta have done last year :P

But still here we go... rewind 2011...

Well the year was pretty awesome. One of my childhood dreams came true, even since I saw the guys talking about assassins creed and sims in gamer tv , I wanted to be a game designer game producer, and I kinda got the chance to be both, officially a game producer, but still has his hands in the designing part too, plus got the chance to produce one of the biggest iOS project around, also got good industry exposure, also NGDC, how can I forget the first conference.So career wise, I could say "a dream taking its shape".

Well that was pretty much my year, lol, it was work and work....
And yea Joined Amaara, now an active member and the editor of the same :P

Mm well that sums up the good parts :) yea along with the endless celeb and party list with friends...

Now the new year resolutions of last year, lol....

1) Shed weight - Disaster - Guess I have put weight on...
2) Clear the damn supplies - Nothing happening there either...
3) Learn Swimming - Yeehaa! One down :P
4) Get more organized - Blah blah! total disorder :)

And yes the resolution of trying to be a better human... mm not really sure how I can measure that, but I guess im doing pretty okay in there.

Mm so kinda good year for my work and nothing great about my resolutions, well same old same old..

Well guess that's 2011 for me....

2012 here I come...

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Half W(f)itted Beard :)

A proverb .. "Things half done.........blah blah blah. " lol, Im not sure if there is a proverb like this and if I guess I should coin one here...

This is the movie like comedy in life. And more than the comedy involved it said to me I should dream less while I am awake...

Woke up , just like everyday, and was in a rush as I had to take a presentation about mobile game art, lol, hilarious as it sounds, it was a team effort, and there required preparation from the team on the day before, but to no surprise, everyone in the team forgot about the whole thing. It was like always remembered in the last minute. And I thought I will gather everyone and start talking on the go making up stuff, lol, anyway that was the plan ,
So I walk into office and couple of guys was throwing faces at me, and then another laughed, and lol, then Varun asked me all of a sudden asked "Dude why is your beard like this" lol...

REWIND: Woke up! Went to played footy, thought about the presentation, and thought will clean the beard a bit and took the trimmer and started for a few minutes and CLEANED UP ONE SIDE OF THE FACE and realized charge was low, I thought "Okay, I still have lotsa time". PLUGGED THE TRIMMER FOR CHARGING and practiced "Counter Strike" for some time, (Office CS tourney comin soon) . So after that played one half of Fifa ( Utd vs City) , Ever since the 6-1 humliation, I do what I can, beat City in FIFA :D. So after that I realized I lost lot of time. I took a quick shower and went into office. So I walked into office like every other day and a couple of guy started throwing faces at me and Varun asked me " Dude, why is your beard like that?"

Haha.. the trimmer was still kept for charging and yes my beard was done only on one side of the face :P
The half w(f)itted beard

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Procrastination and Apathy

These words are my escape. Al I know is I just want to keep on writing, maybe while writing I would magically stumble upon the magical keywords that opens the magical land of inner peace, lol, let me give a try here...mmm... Skadoosh! lol, that aint working, im still here in front of my laptop... mm I guess there should be a much more funky name for the land of inner peace...right now I cant seem to come up with something...

Well as I said all I wanna do is write here, without caring to see if what im saying makes any sense, im just thinking aloud here without really seeing the sense in it , im pretty sure many of us busters here would have been through the same thing here, times when you feel nothing is going your way and you only have yourself to blame. The days where the stakes of procrastination are really high, but we who have proved that procrastination and apathy are not just words, but a way of life. We ultimately screw up, no matter how good life is now, I know it can go downside any moment, it could happen due to our own fault or it could even happen due to something which we dont have any control over. Life, life , life!

We live on breathing the golden words " next time"... if there wasnt any "this time" there aint gonna be any "next time" too.

Better get some sense into stuff and start doing what you ought to. Because time is waaaaaay faster than Usain bolt! lol dumb stuff.

But like in a poem,

Hush! I can see joy coming hither.. :)

Allthough from an altogether different source... :P

And I repeat, Procrastination and Apathy arent just words, but a way of life for us busters :P

Better get cruise control

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate,
but we are powerful beyond measure"
   - Marianne Williamson

Monday, December 5, 2011

Happy birthday to you!

Happy birthday sweet sis! I guess you are 14 now! I mean yea I guess :P
and yes Happy birthday to you! And here's a blog just for you! Aint I the sweetest! lol,

Well dont get fooled thinking so, this girl was after me here asking to write an entry about her here in the blog. Lol, I said alrite I will write for your b'day. An excuse for  a b'day plan too ( Well take me for a miser, this was just my plan B). And I guess its working :P

Well what to write about her, mm she is the sweetest lol, im not kidding, she could fool yourself for a lil devil but she is a swee lil angel, a gem, yes a bit stupid too but I guess that comes in the package hehe... kiddin di,

Well its been quiet a bit long since me and she started living seas apart, that's Kochi and London, and the story is ulta here, I mean the lil sister is in London and the brother is stuck in Kochi, lol , long story, but we will soon be together. Mm so yea we were talking about her , we are like every other bro-sis, but just a bit more sweeter relation :D She is my love, my swee lil beaver, hehe. There's this song in the movie Juno which I always sing to her "Dearest, you will always be the nearest to my heart", she always seem to get irritated by this but that is a song that atleast remotely says how I feel about her, I love her. Like I never thought I could love anybody else, and yea she thinks Im Superman! :D

lol, we have like loadsa fun together, we fight a lot, and I should say this again, with sugar on top, she is the sweetest, whenever we are together, she always follows me around like a lil kid, I mean she is a lil kid, or say like a sidekick :D But Superman doesnt have a sidekick really naa.. hmm... should think about it before I put on the red cape and jockey again :D

Well I am not sure she would understand half the things I wrote here but for dumb person she is pretty smart :D , lol, see this is what things are always, me making fun of her, and its endless saga.

But jokes apart among the people I know, she is the one person I love with all my heart, a love that's pure. I mean along with Mum. ( lol, I should add that else the Mum daughter feud would begin like that).

Between us there's just love and fun along with small segments of bro sis fights, fights over remote, fights over who gets into mums lap first , fights for who gets the big couch to watch tv lol.

Well missing her, like loads, and sometimes it pains too, mm but as they say everything is happening for a good reason.

So here I am being the loving big brother I am wishing you Happy Birthday and keeping my word about the blog.

Dearest , you will always be the nearest to my heart,

Here I am wishing you on your b'day,
Wish kisses galore, and prayers of sweeter days,
Let presents and wishes be heaped,
But with love being the bigger heap,
And for the sweetheart you are, love -
It will always be heaped in volumes immeasurable...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY :) :) :) :)

DISCLAIMER : ( lol, I had to do this, ahem normally I am not this sweetsugary and melo, haha, kidding)

Anything for you da... love... Mwah :)

A pic that's taken two years ago I guess.

Friday, December 2, 2011

The routine stop: Breaking it!

Everyday when I come back from the day's adventure there's only one thing in my mind, its not to play FIFA or its not about which movie I am going to watch today, but its about how I wanna blog when I come back to my flat. I literally wanna blog my life away. But the same routine keeps on repeating, I will come back , do some stuff, play fifa, and then gets all lazy and sleep off. The blog waits for another day, which is ofcourse just a day in the long chain of "another days".

But here I am typing, breaking the routine of non-blogging, and today's adventure, pretty good actually, Went to White sugar's rock show which was conducted as part of the protest for a new dam. Mm and White Sugar as always , kept the heads banging!

And then to Dirty Picture. Surprisingly good movie, I mean I just expected a masala flick. But Vidya Balan "take a bow" everyone. She was absolute! There I said it, Absolute! Not even putting adjectives there.

As the critics said "She has got balls" :D (nice comment there).

Mm well that's the day, I should kickstart bloggin again on a bigger scale, I mean also in Squares and Circles too, mm lazy ass I am!

Well goodnight fellas, Vidya is to be in my dreams... olalala olalala.... :D