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Friday, June 22, 2012

From tetris to my bed!

Well I love my bed with its two cozy pillows and the open balcony to which the stars stretch out in the sky..
Ah want to use the floyd lines here.
"Into the distance, a ribbon of black
Stretched to the point of no turning back"

So thought il jot down some more lines before going and trying to get some sleep.

And yea the weekend, looking forward to it, two main reasons. One of my closest friend is getting married. Naima Ayvelil Naina! Cant wait to see you all dressed up as the beautiful bride. 
Second reason , well at the same wedding I am gonna see one my really special friend. She disappeared two two years ago on the day of convocation, Samavarthanam it is called righ?  So she disappeared at that day and no one have ever seen her since. So kind of eagerly waiting to see her and to give a big smack to her stupid head! lol, I am gonna do that!! :evil:)
She reminds me of the fish Dory in Finding Nemo. If you know Dory you dont need me to tell why :P
I bug her a lot thru mails calling her Dory, lol. So Neethu Elizabeth Alexander, get ready to get your head smacked! Smacked big time I should warn you! :P
Im pretty sure you will have tails either from secret service or the FBI on you, so must be careful.

Lol, stupid really, consider this stupidity the effects from a sleep deprived mind.

So goodnight ya ll.

Between insomnia and tetris!

Well, pangs of insomnia in squares and circle and yes as tetris blocks too :p

So I thought what shall I do, well the same thought that always comes to my mind when I come back from office, I will blog but looking at my entries of this year, that hardly seems to be the case. Normally I sit to write something up and end up playing Tetris Battle or fighting with someone in football fanatics grp. Hmm so anyway now im actually doing it. :P

So the weekend and looking forward to it for many reasons. But looking at the week back it was as awesome as an awesome week can get. We had at the studio four fun loving gorgeous girls(the fifth one should feel sorry:P ) from college for one week of industrial visit. Well what more can you ask for an industrial visit, than visiting a game studio? Pretty sure they had a ball of time here, same goes for me. Pushing them into the one way lane of game addiction :P
Hope atleast one of them slides thru the gates of game-dom. :P
Well we had a ball of a time, not just them , but me and for everyone involved. I guess we all would miss each other atleast for a couple of days while we settle back to our usual work flow.
Well the biggest thing I had to say was to tell them to if they do not want to work choose your passion as your profession and in that way you would never have to "work". Ah I forgot to ask what their passion was, lol. I hope the one week stands as a testament to this.
After all it always is about being happy and content with what you do in life :)

So if the four of you are reading this you know how happy I am with what Im doing, hope you all can also can be the same with your life :)

Anyway that will do I guess :P

Goodnight? Mm no, Tetris Battle? heck no, lol.. I guess I shall do more writing, anyway im in the groove :P