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Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Why the ink should flow? or the Pixels I say.

This is why I consider I should be writing. Or maybe not just me, but the whole lot for whom writing is something....

For those of ya all who have seen "Zindagi na milegi dubara" remember when Katrina says Deep Sea Diving is like meditation for her, its the same with me, writing...
it comes from a source within, a source that's true and pure, maybe thats what we call as the soul, the embodiment of ourselves,

When I write, I think clear , not just about what I write, but everything else that's happening.
My mind normally is in 7 places in parallel, but when I write all 7 becomes one, not like the horcruxes of Voldemort but more like Po, the Kung fu Panda's quest for Inner Peace :)

I come across a peaceful bliss, a whim of blessed solitude I must say. Also this keeps me focused, keeps both feet on the ground.

It makes me stay in touch with who I am always, that blessed glow that lightens up the whole human in me~

Phew~! Enough of this loada Philo, so what I wanted to bring out was every Lazy ass out there (no offence , coz even Im involved.) who can jot down something , to do it...

So here we go again :)

Alas~! The Dream ripens :)

Okay the prologue...

I always wanted to be an intense blogger , but always thought , I will start to be one when I get a regular internet connection.
( P.S I never had one since school. Coz I dint wanted another nitwit in my long list of time wasting skills I had procured and sharpened over time )

But now I took one (the need arised), And I thought I will atleast write one entry to pacify myself and the promises I always make with the lazy part of me. In this case its being a blogger.

I think I should write one separate entry to why I think I should be writing itself.

So to the blogger I may never become (too much apathy and procastination)!!

Let me write in detail about abstract things,
let me write poems, where each words are like breezes that the butterfly loves to be in,
let me write about shades of black and white,
about people being judgmental or about people itself,
about football, about friendship...
about life itself...

and let something of the above come true, I mean how many times should one disappoint oneself.

But let the toast be to the blogger that I never may happen to be :D

and let this break one of my signature sayings "monotony in its grave peril" :D
So here I go....